Rebuilding a switcher
I've got a few extra bearings. If you want, I could mail you one - no charge. Just PM me.

I've also got a couple of those locos in my junk box. If you need parts but can't find them, I'd be happy to help you out - again, free of charge.

Also... don't be afraid to tear into that thing. Look at it as a learning experience. There are some great tutorials online about revamping the old blue boxes. goggle on something like "Athearn locomotive tune-up" and variations of that. You really need to solder wires from the trucks directly to the motor - bypass all the chassis-truck electrical connections. Also, as DocWayne mentioned, solder wires from the truck to that metal clip too. All of this is shown on the tutorials.

One thing... you'll probably never get that old Athearn drivetrain to run quietly unless you change the motor and driveshafts and such. It can be done.
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