Surprise!!! I didn't order this!
Sooo, after being in posession of this thing for a month now, I finally got around to cleaning some track to run it on and hear the cool sound effects. Upon placing it on the track, I gave it some juice and immediately got the DC hum. Tried to make it go on the factory 03 setting with no response. Finally it responded on 00... with the hum.
I'm running a Digitrax system which supports DC engines on the 00 setting. The hum is indicative of a DC engine AND, there was no sound.
All three of these symptoms suggest that my DCC engine with sound was not DCC, nor did it have sound. I immediately called the Hobby Shop and was told to bring it right back. I did and they replicated the same results with their tests even though they said they tested it before I took ownership of it. As it was nearing closing time and they could not figure out how to get the shell off to verify if it even had sound or not, I told them to hang on to it and take their time tomorrow.
That's an awful long time to wait for an engine to not get what I forgot I was getting!
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