GG-1 Generator Car Powered
Puddlejumper Wrote:
Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:What can't be solved is the lack of the antiquated electrical gear. I still don't understand what the difference is by using a different transformer rated for the same electricity to hypothetically power a rejuvenated GG1, but people on this board seem to think it would create a different feel.

I'd be fine with putting modern electrical gear inside a GG1. I guess the problem is finding a proponent with deep enough pockets, and choosing which of the many remaining GG1s gets the makeover.

On an unrelated note, I wish they would cosmetically restore #4876 and put her on display in Washington somewhere. She, after all, has history there, having been the only GG1 to visit the basement of Washington Union Station.

yeah, i think any one issue wouldn't be so horrible, but between there being nowhere to run a GG1, too many frame defects, and expensive re-powering, it just won't happen.

I do wish they would fix up 4876, but to be honest, i kinda wish they'd leave her in the NJ DOT scheme. It sounds dumb, but 4876 was my favorite GG1, and that was before i found out it fell into the basement. It just stood out to me. I'm sure a Pennsy paint scheme is in it's future though. I'm probably the odd man out here, but i think as much as we love the Pennsy, these engines did have a history on other roads. i know one is still in it's Penn Central paint, but still. As ugly and mundane as the black GG1 is, it ran commuter service up on the NY&LB or the corridor, and to someone, it was their ride home in that form. I just feel like people are so eager to wipe any hints of those Penn Central days (favoring PRR or Conrail era) that there won't be to much left to represent those times and places. It is history to, even if its not as pretty as Raymond Lowery's paint scheme.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
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