outdoor electric trains NOT battery rf controlled
have an interesting problem

have a online friend who is interested in running basically a `normal' dc train on an outdoors track

he hasn't found anyone who has had much success longterm without going to battery power/rf controlled loco's

he wants to stay with straight dc rail powered (ie store bought) esp as he is thinking a ho scale one that is both in and outdoors (ie a garden loop off from inside to outside)

it occured to me that the biggest problem is bad pickup (a quick google seems to support this) ie dirt and corrosion on the rails

so I took a leaf out of the dcc handbook and thought- what if I upped the voltage to the rails?

what I am thinking ATM is a track line voltage of about 60-90v (this is both safe enough that putting a finger on the track wont `bite' and high enough that light surface dirt/corrosion will not be a problem- I think....)

with a PWM controller that gives an `effective 0-12vdc' supply to the motor

question- if I design such a beast for him- does anyone `here' ie local to me in nth qld, australia- have an outdoor track already set up that could be used as a test bench- and any observations from anyone who has run an outdoor dc supplied setup would also be very appreciated as well from anywhere
poopsie chicken tush

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