How to paint with the best results possible?
Hope I am not perceived as trying to hijack Trucklover's thread here, but this question seemed to fit into the general theme of "how to paint with the best results possible".

I am planning to make an attempt to paint an undecorated Bachman GE 44-tonner switcher which has side railings attached and windows that seem hard to remove without resorting to brute force. This is what the engine looks like initially:

[Image: ge44.jpg]

I figure the windows either has to come off or be masked in some way. Likewise for the little engineer glued into the cab behind an open window and the windshield wipers.

I also figure that the railings very easily can get way oversize of they get hit by multiple coats (primer, light color, dark color) as the engine gets spray painted or airbrushed.

What do you guys normally do with things like already installed railings and windows when priming and painting an engine?

Do this stuff basically just need to be cut loose and removed before painting, and replaced again after painting ?

Edit: I have been googling around a bit, and a now experimenting with coating windows with a thin layer of wood glue or foam tack. Initial testing show that I can get a thin "skin" of glue on the windows in less than an hour, and that this skin can be lifted of again by cutting around the window frame and gently peeling it off, with no residue on the windows. Next test: covering all windows & the headlights (prepping windows on one side of the engine at a time), and then spraying a coat of primer.


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