E bay Whackos!
I think you should forward this guy to the e-bay authorities. This guy is clearly out of line. You are probably not the only one he has pissed off. Tell e-bay. They should know the truth. they will be able to track the whole transaction and find the truth for themselves once you point it out.

This person is obviously a crook, hiding behind clerical rhetoric. I say, hold up a mirror and reflect his accusations back upon himself and you will be closer to the truth of the matter.

Don't take this. You don't deserve it. "Cyber Bullying" is under big time scrutiny right now and the government is making big changes to stop it.

Report this Cyber Bully. Let him find out who is cursed.

Just because you are an adult doesn't mean you are immune to Cyberbullying.

Look at this: http://www.ncpc.org/cyberbullying

Clowning around with trains.

[Image: BusterA.jpg]

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