The Mogollon Railroad

Hang in there! If you aren't already, you should be planting a garden or some sort of crop to offset food costs, get outside in the fresh air, and get the satisfying feeling of growing something yourself. It's a terribly liberating feeling that costs about as much as a pack of seeds.

Now, back on topic, painting the landscape makes a real difference! Nice to see progress.

Don't despair. In my final year at seminary I started my timesaver layout and began collecting a few kits at train shows. I already had some stocked up from my time as an intern in SoCal, when I was part of a modular club. Between sem and the first call, we lived in my wife's old bedroom. But in the spare room, I had a tiny little desk (plus the kitchen table, occasionally) and when I think back to those few months it boggles my mind to think I actually got any modeling done.

I was seriously living with a stress that eventually became full blown depression, but thank heaven I had set aside a plastic tub full of tools, paint, and a few kits. I also renewed ties with the club I had been a part of before we had to move, and those acquaintences were good support. In those few short months I managed to build several pieces of (craftsman kit) rolling stock, a couple structures, and a prize-winning diorama.

You are a talented modeler and I'm glad you're here at The Gauge to share your work and spur on the rest of us. Don't give up!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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