Homasote implementation
I know this topic has changed directions, but I can share my recent experiences re: searching for Homasote. Didn't think of looking on the Homasote site as Camelback wrote. In my case, I called the smaller lumber places in my area - all carried it. One, in fact, happened to be less than 1/2 mile from my house. That site also does custom cuts (millwork and such) which is a handy service if you want to avoid the dust that cutting Homasote with a circular saw creates (there's always the very clean (edge and dustwise), but harder work of using a utility knife as well).

I like the "make it rust" spiking tip! I'm using it on my shelf layout, and even un-rusty spikes grip like crazy!

One thing that intrigues me about Homasote, and is a weighting factor in whether I use it extensively or not is the fact that it is a wholly recycled material (from newspaper), and to my understanding was the very first recycled material product in the world Big Grin ! Cork, on the other hand, is a harvested product that is apparently becoming harder to find, making Homasote an apparently more sustainable material.

Matt Goodman
Columbus, Ohio

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