How would this be switched?
Gary S Wrote:As i think about it, it seems that cars to be set out at facing point spurs (requiring a run-around) would best be near the rear of the train, but set-outs for trailing point spurs would be near the front of the train. Make sense?

That would be nice but,some times it was impossible to have everything nice and tidy due to the work involved..

Not to worry.

If the sit out ended up in the middle of the train we would take all the cars between the cabin and the setouts and do the require work.


Its easier and requires no extra work which save time and usually makes the Dispatcher or even a tower operator smile since we won't be tying up their main line doing terminal work.

If required we would rearrange our train into working order at a outlaying yard since we would have the room.

Summerset Ry

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