E bay Whackos!
I hate to hear about you getting ripped off, but I have to agree about E-bay being generally pretty safe.

But wacko's are everywhere anymore, not just on-line. I got one telling me off and spouting "you're going straight to hell you heathen" just a few minutes ago. Looking for a parking spot at the grocery store a few minutes ago, one guy parked his truck at a 45degree angle taking up two spots. (Three really if you count his bumper overhanging the third stall). He was sitting on the tail gate covered head to toe in tattoos and Oakland Raiders gear drinking a .40 ounce, so, I gave him a dirty look and drove around to find another spot. When I came up the other side, he jumped out in front of my car and started mouthing off incoherently (liquid courage and all that) about this being the holidays and "How dare you look at me the way you did". I didn't say a word, I just opened my coat enough to see the butt end of my brand new Beretta .40 cal pistol. He jumped back and started spouting off some crap about how I am a heathen going to hell and "Hey, THIS MAN HAS A GUN!!" to other shoppers walking by (who mostly just laughed at him). Even as I drove off to a parking spot further up the row and parked, he was spouting off at the top of his lungs about how God saw that, and I am going to hell, etc.

His wife/girlfriend/parole officer, or whatever whe was to him, witnessed the whole thing while coming out of the store apparently, because she came up to my window (by that time, I had lit a cigarette and had the window rolled down part way) She apologized profusely and I can tell she was sincerely embarassed. I told her "it's ok, it's not YOUR fault". I really felt bad for her. Funny thing was, after she put her groceries in the bed of the truck, he peeled out and came up the other row and stopped behind me. I figured, "Great. Now I am gonna have to whip this guys butt in front of this nice lady", but he just sat there and spun his tires as hard as he could (powerbrake).

I just smiled, stuck my head out the window and yelled "GOD SAW THAT!".

Boy that chapped his cheese! 24

When people act like idiots like that, just remember what my grandmother told me as a kid: "If the world was perfect and didn't have a few nuts, it'd be a boring place for people like us". Just think of them being here for our amusement and you won't lose any sleep over them.
Tom Carter
Railroad Training Services
Railroad Trainers & Consultants
Stockton, CA
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