A save way to stay away from my layout
Gary S Wrote:You ever heard the old DOS joke...
Question: "How do you turn a 486 into a 286?" Answer: "Install Windows on it."
Why do the computer companies have to add all that crap. Darn it, I want my computer lean, mean, and hungry.
And Mr. Bill Gates... Why change the entire look? Why move everything around? Stop screwing with everything!

Yes, Gary, I do remember that joke, and I still laughed at it ... because it's not that far from the truth! It's like the new one ...
"Question: How do you cap the well in the Gulf? Answer: "Put a wedding ring around it and in two weeks it will stop putting out." Pah-Dump Dumm! Nope

Yes, and just as lame, but it does bear some truth. Big Grin

As for "Change," on the one hand, Developers can never leave well enough alone and ... and on the other hand ...
How's that Hope and Change workin' out for YOU??! :?: :!: :mrgreen:

It seems that "change for the sake of change" has gained in popularity these days. I got so P.O.'d at the grocery store the other day that I wheeled a 1/3-full cart into the very young new Manager's office and complained to him that I'd been in the store for 55 minutes and could not find half of what I wanted on my short little list and I'm usually in and out in half an hour and it's all because every three months he sees fit to move everything around and discontinue brands to accomodate his rearrangement and I've put up with his foolish shenanigans for the last time ... for a change, he can go around the store with my cart and try figure out where to put back on the shelf all the stuff I wasn't going to buy because his obsession with change has driven a customer of 18 years to go shop somewhere else that's more stable ... and he needs to find a better way to justify his staff, who wouldn’t keep quitting if he didn’t have them playing musical produce every couple of weeks!
... and I walked out, leaving my cart in his office, and the short little list right on top! 790_smiley_picking_a_fight Wink

I'm not against change ... if it has a valid purpose, if it make an improvement in life, I'll embrace it. It was partially my reason for being in my career as a product designer. But Change for the sake of change, change to put your "mark" on it? PHUH! Curse Wallbang

I'm sorry ... I'll shut up and sit down now ... :oops:

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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