A save way to stay away from my layout
After 24 hours....
at least this posting comes from the new system and runs already through the spell checker... The mail has been transferred twice (one copy got lost). Some other applications are up and running too. I should be able to update be homepage via FTP.
The essentials are running. I will keep both system in parallel for some weeks and see what I have missed.

At this time all my online books and music files are copied from an extern USB harddrive. The forecast is 6 hours... Railroad movies and pictures are copied already. Might be I have collected too much data?

I am still searching for basic function like hell. Those guys did hide everything I need at the most unusual places. The system was shut down this morning. It took me 20 minutes to find power management Curse

Great news... Pentax provides no Windows 7 driver for my older digital camera....That means I "could" update my homepage if I "could" get the pictures from the camera in the PC. Pentax is one of the very few camera that does not act like a standard USB storage device and needs a dedicated driver.
I guess it is time for a new digital camera too. That shifts some model railroad equipment further in the future.

Even more news... While the files are copied W7 decides to accept no inbound traffic over the peer network. Internet is ok but no shared data and my wife can not print... That is really critical and might escalate soon!

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