Bonus Room Shelf Layout
Just a minor status update:

The construction has not progressed beyond what you can see in the picture a few posts above. But I did manage to get to a LHS and pick up some tubing for the blue point turnout machines. Summer is here, I think, and the lawn & garden projects are calling. Plus I've had a miserable flu bug for the past week+. But all that aside, I'm getting back to the layout soon enough.

I picked out a through truss bridge from my scrap box for the line to Pinto. Not sure if I want to use it (plastic Tyco in need of tlc) or scratch a wooden one. The style is what I like, though. It will lend a vertical elment to a shallow creek scene.

Glad to have this forum to browse when I can.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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