Modeling Snow
Right On! re: only being pretty for the first day or so! Thumbsup

Having lived here in Florida now for about 19 years, my recollections of snow are of the dirty, piled up, wet, slushy, ruin a good pair of shoes variety ... and the angering memory of setting the alarm for two hours early, as it was snowing to beat the band at bedtime, getting up at what seemed like 00:dark-thirty, breaking my back shoveling out the driveway, only to have the G.D. County Plow come down the street as I was walking back to the house from the driveway's end and leaving me a three foot high, four foot wide hard packed pile of the dirty white stuff across the end of my driveway! Confusedhock: It was enough to make a grown man cry!!! :cry: :cry:

Boy ... I don't miss that at all! Nope

But really ... best of luck in modeling the snow scene! It would be unique, for sure! Thumbsup

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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