Which is the best model railroad magazine?
No guarantees, gents, but I had a similar experience to Don's...phoned customer service. They (without coercion) extended my sub by the requisite 2 months. This was a couple of years ago, and I don't know Kalmbach's policy, but they have also replaced damaged issues for me (no, I don't work for the company or have any monetary connection. MR is not what it once was, but the "New Guys" seem to be making an effort. I agree about the poor handling of the mag/web connection...also hate purchasing material (Special Pub or PDF from the site) I've already paid for in past issues by sub or at higher cost, from the news stand. Heck, I believe Tony Koester (sp) has one of his books on Google for free reading (& download?). Agree, MRH is the best non-scale-specific available. Being a SPF, also love "The Keystone", available free online from the PRRTHS. Bob C.
James Thurber - "It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."

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