Another Miami Layout
Not much new has happened since I ran out of flex-track, so I will not be working on the layout until I get some more, After that progress should go pretty fast, I will make mock-ups for the buildings, add roads, and then place down sand and grass.

In the meantime I moved a L-shaped 4x9 into my room for a layout that I will build during winter when the weather is to bad to go out to my train-room. Here is a basic out-line of the piece of plywood that I have if anyone is bored and would like to sketch something up for me. I am still deciding between doing another ISL with Ho-scale, or making a roundy-round with a switching area with N-scale.

Anyways I should be back to working on the layout in a few days.
Justin Miller
Modeling the Lebanon Industrial Railway (LIRY)

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