Which is the best model railroad magazine?
Bob C Wrote:No guarantees, gents, but I had a similar experience to Don's...phoned customer service. They (without coercion) extended my sub by the requisite 2 months. This was a couple of years ago, and I don't know Kalmbach's policy, but they have also replaced damaged issues for me (no, I don't work for the company or have any monetary connection. MR is not what it once was, but the "New Guys" seem to be making an effort. I agree about the poor handling of the mag/web connection...also hate purchasing material (Special Pub or PDF from the site) I've already paid for in past issues by sub or at higher cost, from the news stand. Heck, I believe Tony Koester (sp) has one of his books on Google for free reading (& download?). Agree, MRH is the best non-scale-specific available. Being a SPF, also love "The Keystone", available free online from the PRRTHS. Bob C.
No doubt that, would I have called, they would have done the same for me, any reputable company with the satisfaction of their customers in mind, would do that. Well, there is one exception to that, banks, most of which have little concern for their depositors, but don't get me started on that... :evil: The thing is, they weren't up front about it, 12 issues in someone's mind would be 12 new issues, not 2 old and 10 new... Kalmbach isn't the only one that does this, I've gotten a "free trial" issue of something only to find it to be a common issue that has no date, but if I subscribe, that issue counts among the 12 for that year.
Don (ezdays) Day
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