Operations/shunting article in July MR?
My good friend FedEx13 ...

Calm down ... take a deep breath ... and another ... and ...

Now ... I'm sure that no one is actually labeling you as a "Raving Belittler!" And if you take it that way, I would suggest you remove your feelings from your shirt sleeve and put them back in your pocket.

Early in my tenure here (just as you are currently early in your tenure here at Big Blue,) I allowed myself to react adversely and get my Fruit-of-the-Looms in a bunch over something that really was inconsequential in the overall scheme of things. I was figuratively "called over to the side" by a couple of "senior residents" here and PM'ed about taking a "lighten-up" pill. I was wrong to make my point the way I did and I have admitted it, and make every attempt to remind myself of that promise each time I am tempted to "jump" on some point or someone.

Those who frequent this forum span the gamut of today's model railroaders: young, middle-aged, seasoned senior citizens; those with a wealth of experience and those just starting out; those with basement-sized rail empires, those with a sheet of plywood with an oval (or double oval) on it and maybe a siding or two and those with an unscenicked "John Allen Timesaver;" to those, like myself, who have been away from the hobby for some time (a year -- twenty years) and we all get along together and help each other because we all love this hobby of model railroading. We use no foul language and we have no tolerance for so-called "flaming," and we discourage the belittling of others. We encourage everyone, even those whose philosophy towards this great hobby we don't necessary agree with! We still encourage them to pursue what makes them happy. That is the beauty of this forum ... we are the next thing to family here.

So calm down, take a deep breath and when you poise your fingers above the keyboard to type a post, remember that this is a form of communication much more forgiving than speaking face to face! In speaking, if you don't think before you open your mouth, the words are out there and you cannot take them back, even if they are unintentionally hurtful. But here, you have the luxury to type those words out, proof read them for spelling, grammer and yes ... content. You can "preview" what you've typed and edit it as many times as you wish, to make sure you have said that which you wished to say, and nothing that is unintended.

I do it every time I post now.

Maybe you should, too.

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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