The Pandorum Project
MountainMan Wrote:Under N/Z modeling, you will find my announcement of the beginning of The Pandorum Project, a fantasy layout based on a merger between Nikola Tesla and "Doc" Emmett Brown based loosely around 1900.

I have an idea the concept of fantasy modeling may lead to some discussion, so I have set two sites for it - discussion of the fantasy concept here, and the posted photos and progress summaries on the N/Z thread.

Before anyone asks, this has no connection to either the film Pandora or the Pandora mine in Colorado. The name is based on my feelings that I am opening a doorway into uncharted territory, a journey I look forward to with great anticipation.

Big Grin Big Grin The "rules for pictures" is already posted.......(above?)
I'm looking forward to seeing how all this comes together........ I'll be watching...
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