Lets Bail out the Penn Central
Interesting video.
To bad it didn't work.

Its funny how the PC kept saying their infrastructure was deteriorating. Unfortunately for them, they had inherited it from other railroads, that were deferring maintenance before the merger. The PC still running on bad track, just made it worst. Its also too bad, that the PC, was trying to get funds from Congress, when Congress was more into supporting the highway and trucking industry, letting the railroads defend for themselves. A little bad forsight. Kinda like the commuter system today. Rails were abonadoned to small towns, and cities, torn up. Now cities are fighting to get that rail system back.
It seems like Congress back then, did what Congress is doing today. Bail out insurance and mortgage (Sure...here's 700 Billion dollars....Now go on a retreat....)companies, but too hell with the auto industry(Hmmm....Gee.....I don't know...30 billion?.....Thats a little too much, don't you think?, Especially if you can fly here on private jets.)
Unlike bailing out insurance, banks and mortagage companies that are now being tightfisted with government funds, bailing out the auto industry, and PC, we would of seen immediate improvements.

Oh..Sorry....kinda went off topic here.

UH....Uh...is that Ralph I hear sobbing?
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.

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