My Take On Operations "Game"
That's what I'm talkin' bout, Steve. You just summed up in one or two sentences, what I've been trying to say for a dozen posts! Thumbsup I plan to have 4 or so viable industries and 1 or 2 sidings to go to. There will be the big 5 - boxcars, gondolas, flatcars, tankers and cabooses, cabi , cabooseseses ....whatever. So 5th grade math that tells me there will be 36,781 different combinations. Wink Should keep me busy until death do me part 357

I will make cards that say 2 boxcars here, 1 gondola there, pick up a couple of tankers there and take this wood on the flatcar over here. And vice-versa. Add move that car from there to way over there. Plus another plethura :?: of stuff going on in the yard. The best part - is the wildcards that will throw in another at last count 12 or 13 situations to deal with -(per your thread). And right now, I'm in love with the detector box that will radio me on my laptop or fancy phone with the "live" problems. Go to www. (join for free to see it, it's pretty bad to the bone!)

I figure I will end up with 30 or 40 cards.. After I finish making the cards, I will draw 10, fill out a switchlist and give you a live update to help me make it better the second time......

I'm thinking it's going to work out pretty good. Thanks, Steve, your ideas have evolved into this....This is awesome, it is really helping me finalize a trackplan so I can quit using the benchwork as storage.

Keep posting ideas about what moves can be made on the mainline and diesel maintenance facility (jglfan-- car 54, where are you?)

T & A Layout Build

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