Gary S' 2010 Summer Challenge - Bridge
biL, you one very smart fellow! You nailed it on both accounts!

First, the water flow in the last photo is from right to left. With a heavy rain (which we have fairly often), this bayou will fill up completely to the banks and the water moves pretty fast. So the angled supports are to help resist the water flow.

Second, as you mention, if I am modeling a prototype bridge, I need to model the prototype bridge! While it may be true that the only person I have to please is myself, since this is a contest entry, I also need to impress the voters! And sticking to the prototype may be more impressive than if I didn't.

As I study the bridge, I am finding more interesting details. For example, the bents near the abutements have four pipes, then there is a bent with five pipes, then bents with doubled fours! Pretty interesting and unexpected.

Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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