Gary S' 2010 Summer Challenge - Bridge
I say go with the "bent" bents and model it just like the prototype. Real life is almost always more interesting than anything we can dream up, I say. But still I'm not a strict prototype modeler, since the 'interesting' bits, like this bridge, aren't as common as the ordinary remainder of reality.

Made me think of a neat bridge on Jack Burgess's Yosemite Railroad layout. The bents are all different heights and widths and it really looks different than the usual timber trestle (which I must say, there's nothing wrong with an ordinary, run-o-the-mill trestle). But it sticks out in your mind.

You could find a nice picture of the prototype and mount it on the layout fascia, so folks would know you based it off a real location and could see how it translated onto your layout.

Now don't go getting a big head over this, but personally, I think you'll have a 'cover shot' location for your layout once you get this thing built and installed. If not a cover, at least a photo section submission.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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