In the South
Gary S Wrote:Reinhard, as much as I like the Walther's Red Wing Milling building, I have to say that removing it certainly opened up the space and puts a new focus on the Silos and elevator building.
Gary, you made a remark about the open space in Texas / Houston area when I commented to open space on your layout. That triggered me to rethink how much is enough and how much is to much. I decided even my layout is only small that is no excuse to have more buildings per space unit than a larger layout has. That is also one of the basic concepts Lance is repeating again and again. I ended up with eight structures only. That is enough for the location (TX/CA) and time (1990+) on my layout (150" by 24").

Remark, the only way I know to have much more buildings per space unit is to change location and time. I assume that is one of the attractions the transition area and earlier located in north east US down town industry areas has. You can very prototypical put brick building very close together and run the tracks in the streets and very small back yards. A real alternative I like very much too.

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