Gary S' 2010 Summer Challenge - Bridge
Bent Number 2

First, the real thing


Some of the tools needed to do the weathering - various size paint brushes, various colors of craft paint to match the prototype, colored pencils, weathering powders and dullcote.

Here is the bent with a white primer coat on it.


First step is to get the base coat on the pipe and the concrete. I didn't have the light gray to match the pipes, so I mixed pure white and medium gray. Also, the pipes below the concrete abutements seem to be more gray than that above, so I mixed two gray shades, one for the upper and one for the lower. For the concrete, I mixed antique white with gray to match.


Next I put a black wash on the bottom of the concrete abutement. When I was constructing the bent, I took Squadron putty and mixed it with Testors model cement (someone here gave me that tip) and smeared it on the bottom, then poked around in it with the Exacto knife to get the rock effect.


Time for the rust on the pipes. I took a stiff brush and cut the bristles back to make it even stiffer.


Then I took golden brown Apple Barrel craft paint (which matched the rust well) and used a pseudo dry-brush technique on the pipes, but instead of dragging the brush, I poked it atthe pipes, trying not to drag the paint around. Just poke the brush straight down and then come back. This worked well for the random rust patterns, although I tried to put the rust where it was on the real thing.


And here, the poking is done.


Now, to match the proto photo better, the rust had to be cleaned up a bit where there was too much. Took the light gray for the pipes, eye-balled the photo, and painted over the rust where there was none on the real thing.


Then, to match the obvious rust patterns and darker rust areas, I took colored pencils and put the obvious lines and patterns in.


For the concrete, I got carried away and didn't take any photos Wallbang Suffice it to say, I first used colored pencils to match the various colored areas on the concrete. Then I put a thin orangish wash and a thin black wash around and on top. Then used some powders to help blend in the contrasting areas from the pencils. After that, dullcoted, then some more washes and powders to tie thigns together and match the prototype. Sorry that I didn't do the photos.

Anyway, it is acceptable so far...

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