Another Miami Layout
Justinmiller171 Wrote:The only steel track on the layout is the black roadbed EZ-track, which I do not plan on using, there are only a few brass turnouts, but most of the track is nickel-silver, I still got a pretty good deal, since I do not plan on making this layout very realistic, I plan on using it to practice scenery, but mainly I want a laoyut with continuous running, but still have enough switching to keep me occupied.

About the turnouts on my current layout, I installed a ground throw on the switch that was giving me the most trouble, it seemed to have fixed the problem, it was just that the switch wasn't getting electrical contact.

It's only a good deal if you enjoy it and make good use of it, which it sounds like you will. Will you strip away the existing scenery before adding your own?

The ground throw may solve the problem for a while, but once oxidation and dust creeps into the points and hinges, it may not. I'd strongly recommend you solder tiny little jumper wires between the point rails and stock rails. It doesn't take long and could save you hours of heartache and frustration later. It's what I plan to do with all of my turnouts. Trouble free trackwork is a joy to operate and a source of pride. Having to make excuses for visitors and nudge stalled locos just ain't fun. A word to the wise is sufficient.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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