Puddlejumper's 2010 Summer Firehouse challenge
Puddlejumper Wrote:The firehouse I work at is one of the busiest in the nation, it doesn't leave us much time for extra curricular activity. Our drills, clean ups, meals, morning work out, etc. are all usually interrupted by alarms, to the point that sometimes you don't even reap the intended benefit of the drill or work out because the interruptions were too numerous. One of the guys did the math last year, between the Battalion Chief, Engine Co., Truck Co., and Ambulance we had 17,700 responses, for an average of one response for a unit in our house every 29 minutes.

No progress on the firehouse to report, but the Firehouse Magazine national run survey came out today and has my firehouse as #5 in the nation. Last year we ran 18,816 runs, for an average of one run every 27 minutes.

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