Apple Peak Railroad and Coal Co.
I would suggest that 1/8th inch luan plywood is asking for and virtually guaranteeing problems down the road.

When I was about your age, I built an HO layout using brass rail code 100 flex track on split cork roadbed, all on top of a 4'x8' sheet of 3/8" A-C interior plywood. [There is a very good reason that 1/2" plywood is the typical thickness, and some people even use 3/4" plywood.]

I paid for that error in judgement every day for the rest of the time I had that railroad ... all through high school, one year of college and until I was in the Army and my parents moved to a new town, discarding all but the locomotive and rolling stock.

During the time I had it, I spent way too much money that could have been spent on scenery or a better power supply or rolling stock kits or a second locomotive (the first one was a Varney F3 dummy from a Kix cereal box top offer that I saved for and purchased a single-truck power conversion kit.)

The sagging of that under-sized plywood doomed my first HO scale model railroad to mostly headaches rather than mostly fun.

Do as you wish ... I only offer a suggestion.

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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