Designing My HO-Scale Room Layout
Justin - if you are going to be moving out to go to college in a few years, I think you need to look at the planning from a different perspective. 1.The layout needs to be easily transportable 2. It needs to be either modular or foldable 3. It is unlikely that anything you build now will fit in your college dorm room 4.Between now and when you finish college your plans, skills and interests are going to change ENORMOUSLY!

My suggestion is that you either build a small transportable layout, and use it to practice tracklaying , scenics and operations on, or build a series of modules that you can take apart and join easily in different configurations, which will probably fit its new home better and easier. Building a series of boards that you can use as modules (all to matching and interchangeable dimensions) will let you practice and improve your building/carpentry skills anyway which can only be good. Since you already have the Miami layout and the one you bought, a third one seems a bit excessive. It is great to dream, but somewhere along the line practicality*** has to take over, or you are going to come down to earth with a hell of a bump!

Start off by thinking about what you MUST have, and then make a list and call it "Given" Make a second list of things that it would be nice to include" and call it "Druthers". Now draw a plan that includes what you have on the givens (but be prepared to live without some of them if they don't fit into the space you can use) and then see what you can add from druthers

*** "Practicality" includes the cost of the track and switchwork, the method of powering/operating it, the number and cost of the locos and rolling stock needed to operate it, and the amount of time you will have to spend removing dust and cleaning track in a bedroom environment.

I'm not trying to rain on your parade - just trying to save you from making expensive mistakes, which could mean you giving up the hobby through disappointment

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