Running trains and electricity costs?
DC, right ? Look on backside of transformer. It says how many watts the thing will pull. Multiply by hours run per night (1 hr) to get watt-hours per night. Divide by 1000 to get kilowatthours. Multiply by price per kilowatthour.

A 100 W transformer will use 0.1 kilowattshours per night. So it will take you 10 days to use a single kilowatthour. Which costs you something on the order of 8 cents or so, if a quick google search on electricity prices in Ontario can be believed. Call it about 24 cents a month (about 30 days a month, 3 x 10 days). After a 17% increase, it will cost you about 24 cents x 1.17 = 28 cents a month. Up four cents a month.

A 200 W transformer will cost you twice as much (ie about 48 cents a month before increase, about 56 cents a month after a 17% increase).

Plug in your own wattage and your own electricity prices if you want a more accurate calculation.

I wouldn't worry overly much about the increase in electrical power prices :-)


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