Bonus Room Shelf Layout
Quote:Luckily for me, there haven't been too many home projects going on since last winter when the building was started. But I am envious that you have a five year old who is interested in the hobby and will be sharing with you. That has to be very cool!

Yes, it's very cool indeed. The 5 year old (almost six Confusedhock: where did the time go?) is Andrew, whose N scale layout can be seen elsewhere on this forum. The littler one is almost 2 and loves the Gorre & Daphetid video before bedtime almost as much as his older brother did at that age. Too funny.

VBS went very well and now I'm getting back in the swing of a regular routine. Thursday night would be train night except that my lovely wife scheduled a Sunday School curriculum meeting for that night Sad . I won't complain as she willingly has taken on the task of SS coordinator and is very good at what she does.

Household stuff included shifting 4 yards of pea gravel across the back yard to the kiddo's playhouse area. The previous owner had used wood chips which we didn't like so they became mulch for the hedge. They were a pain to clean up when they got out of the play area and literally a pain as the kiddos got splinters if they weren't wearing shoes. The chickens like to dig in them and so they're still a pain to clean up occasionally. The pea gravel is much better. Looks neater and is easier to maintain.

Work continues on the article this week, then next week hopefully I can finish off that bridge and the grade section of the roadbed. Once that's installed I can add the connecting section along the wall between the two main layout sections. I'm looking forward to that since I will be able to run trains out of staging, up to Pinto, do some switching, and return.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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