Running trains and electricity costs?
Well, it looks like running trains isn't all that also have to figure in any and all of the "accessories" on the layout. Lights, switch machines, signals, etc.. Then, room lighting, and any other power consumed by the "room" as in fans, dehumidifiers, music, or sounds, any digital clocks, or "instant-on" like Television, stereo, dvd players etc.. Do you make a pot of coffee, for the operating session?, that adds in also, as does any lights you have to turn on to get to the layout room, like a basement stairway light........and on, and on, and.......
My computer is on a power strip, and gets shut down after use, but I still have many of the common "power thieves" ( anything that has a pilot light that stays on, has a power supply that is drawing amps.....constantly ) Icon_twisted Icon_twisted
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