Plymouth Street
Gary, I’d be honored if you’d find anything useful here.

P5se Camelback Wrote:
Isn't architecture fun?!! Representing it to scale in miniature always presents such interesting and challenging problems to be solved!
Ya gotta love it!

I wholeheartedly agree! It is fun to figure out how to build such a structure and it is absolutely amazing what you can do with a few strips of styrene.

Here is the next progress shot. I added a few more details, assembled the fire escapes (Tichy #8060) and test fitted the escapes and the windows (Tichy #8097). As you can see, I am using framed windows, not masonry windows as would have been prototypical. If I had taken masonry windows, it would have been necessary to use thicker styrene to make the windows look right when inserted into the walls and the openings had to be cut absolutely precisely. Cutting these small openings in .040" styrene is easy, doing so in .080" styrene is almost torture. I won’t cut about 40 small openings in .080 styrene, no way Nope . Well, I guess these are the compromises you have to make if you don’t have a lasercutter and have to cut everything by hand.

[Image: ply8.jpg]

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