Designing My HO-Scale Room Layout
Justinmiller171 Wrote:I want my layout operations to be more than a "game" where the goal is to do the duties the crew is assigned, but rather to simulate what a real train crew does, that's what model railroading means to me, I want to feel like I am part of the crew and simulating what they would do is my goal.
You certainly have the right idea for modeling a railroad (freelance or prototype) - realistic operation. You already have developed an excellent plan for a layout (your Miami, FL plan) and for now, I'd concentrate on working on that, add buildings and scenery and get it operation. Forget the other layout for now and give yourself time to see what you really like before worrying about the "dream" layout.

As a former railroad employee, with experience in several different aspects of the railroad industry (conductor, engineer, agent, dispatcher) I can tell you that operating your Miami layout in a realistic manner will keep you busy for quite some time. Having actually worked on some mine run jobs, I can tell you that it's much more enjoyable to work at a town or on a local freight where there is a variety of industries to be switched. Just pulling loads and placing empties at a mine or load out can get old very fast!

Modeling something like your Miami layout, you wear many hats - customer - freight agent making up switch lists for your crew - train crew performing the required duties. All these "duties" will make even the simplest layout seem like much more.

Simple things like stopping to flag a road crossing - waiting a few seconds to give your conductor or brakeman time to line a switch or lace up the air hoses, etc., all add to the operating interest.

Of course you can over do it some cases, but you'll quickly determine what works or doesn't work for you.

Go with the Miami layout and see how your interests develop over time. If it turns out that's not your cup of tea, then start over again at some point.

Best wishes...
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"

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