Nachoman's summer 2010 enginehouse challenge.
nachoman Wrote: ... Right now the stress of unemployment has caught up with me and I just don't much feel like modeling activities. The stress has actually manifested itself as a nasty eczema rash on my hands. ... The enginehouse will remain slightly unfinished as this contest closes.

Kevin, I can sympathize ... when the sudden closing of the corporate design office where I worked (... at 12:30 PM, as 3 of the five of us sat eating lunch in the conference room, six guys from Corporate walked in and said, "We are here because this office is closed, effective immediately. One of these gentleman will sit with you in your office while you pack your things, not the company's things. You have until 5 PM to pack up and be out of the building. We'll need to have you turn over your keys, the doors will be locked at 5 PM."

Long story short, the stress and worry took its toll, I developed alopecia areata totalis -- all the hair on my head from the neck up fell out in clumps! It was terrible! I was without hair for over a year before any of it started to grow back. In the meantime, I quickly sold the house I had just built, and within the next six months turned 62 and retired.

I know it can be difficult. I know it's easy for people to say hang in there and you want to tell them to "Bugger Off!" But in the end, all you can do is try to make yourself as marketable as possible, don't leave a stone unturned and trust in "The Force," or whatever you chose to call that "Higher Power" that many of us put our faith in.

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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