What In The Wide Wide World Of Sports????
How fortuitous that it was tacked on the end of the train and not stuck in the middle somewhere between two extended Hi-Cube boxcars or something. You might not have been able to get such a nice clear shot!

And I'm impressed that not only do you know the train's identifying nomenclature, but also origin and destination! Colol ... an very "on top of it!"

That is definately one interesting car and a very unique load as well. I would agree that with all that (possibly nuclear grade) stainless steel, combbined with the intersting shape and detailing, the speculation as to its potential function it probably spot on!

Great photo!

As I labor over typing with two finger on my right hand, as there are IV's in the crook of my left elbow and bending it sets off annoying "dinking" alarms, and this hospital's patient accessible wireless router "times you out" after 25-30 minutes, Stein has succsessfully slipped a very astute post in above me!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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