Scratchbuild - Another Bridge Project
Gary - tremendous progress!

Chew on this idea - that rather than going after the specific trees and bushes, placed exactly as they are in the photo (though I think you are certainly capable of that!) go after the feel of the place. But more importantly, and I'm going to sound like a broken record if you've labored through any of my planning comments, consider how the scenery tells a story.

This bridge just like the other from the contest shows signs of major flooding or high water events. The muddy water already tells someone who may know about waterways, that there's runoff or sediment in the water from a recent rain or loose earth upstream somewhere. Why not add a few more touches to the scene that will make that very clear to anyone giving it a cursory glance, that plenty of water has run through here recently but is now gone and left the telltale signs of its mad rush downstream.

The railroad after the rain...add some cicada sound effects (do you have those in Texas?) and a heat lamp over the scene, maybe even some grass clippings underfoot for I'm just getting too imaginative!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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