A hole in the wall X4 - a liftout bridge (page 12)
I worked a bit more on the backdrop building over the last couple of days. As I got it used, it was missing quite a few windows. There was also a big gap in between the two halves the way it finally ended up getting placed. Sooo, I thought, let's throw it on the printer and make a color copy of the facade. This I did several times...
[Image: xcopier.jpg]

I then cut out the windows and taped them to the inside of the structure to replace those that were missing. I also cut out a large section of the facade and placed it in between the two halves to tie it all together.
[Image: xleft.jpg]

[Image: xleftleft.jpg]

[Image: xright.jpg]

I think that's gonna do it for a while. I need to add some sort of a road in front, ballast the track, add some shrubbery etc. All in good time now.

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