HO flex track Pros and Cons???
I only use Peco (with a few lengths of scale British track) and now I've gone to code 75.
I like working with Peco. Both rails slide; I think in some of the others only one slides. The newer switches have finer flangeways than they used to. It does flex more easily than some makes -- whether that's good or bad is your call. I find that it helps to have a template for making smooth curves; I have some 6 to 9 inches long that fit between the rails (and some about 3" long that I haven't used).
I find Peco acceptable for N. American track. It's a bit American looking for British but a lot of use use it anyways. The code 100 takes almost everything I have back to the early 60s.
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
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