Iron Ore Mine & Steel Mill in N Scale
OK, so we've had a minor set back. I decided to tack up some thin plywood skirting around the base of my benchwork just to make things a bit more tidy looking on the layout and while shifting my desk, on of the two blast furnace towers fel on the concret floor and broke.

The good news is that it wasn't too serious. The entire matle ring came loose, the hoise assembly came off and the offtakes came off. Amazingly things only came apart where they've been glued, so it's just a matter of tacking it all back together.

Lesson learned: "Take models of the desk before moving the desk."

I just threw up a couple of shots of the broken furnace getting it's matle ring glued back on, next to the unbroken furnace #2. Also you can see my plywood skirting. I tried painting some of it black as I've seen done on so many layouts, but it just looks aweful on mine. I'm thinking of instead using that textured spray paint that looks like stone; however, I'm having trouble finding it here in Australia, back home, I'd just go to Canadian Tire.

[Image: broken.jpg]

[Image: both.jpg]

[Image: skirt.jpg]


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