Scubadude's Texas & Carolina RR
I agree, the only reason this plan is in MS Paint is because that's how Byron Henderson originally put it down. I can use the Paint well enough to get this far. I have tried the XTrkCad and just got more frustrated. I really don't want to spend hobby $$$$ on software, rather put it into track and turnouts. My biggest problem is I just can't seem to visualize from my head to paper to benchwork. My first attempt at a layout a couple of years ago wasn't too bad, it was an L-shaped loop with a couple turn outs. As I followed more and more threads on THE Gauge, my "givens and druthers" has grown to take operations more into consideration. Despite reading several books on the subject and learning from you all, I still don't understand operations as well as I'd like to. So for me, that has complicated the process a lot, not to mention I can't seem to make up my mind on some of what I want on the layout. I want to get this planning phase right so I don't have any regrets later. I imagine once I start laying track, this plan will change here and there quite a bit.

Galen, I really appreciate your interest in helping me out. I like your ideas about elevations and such, especially the deep cut near the furniture complex. I have 2 bridges I want to use...a tall curved wooden trestle and a large truss bridge. I am looking for a waterfall/river scene and a tunnel as well. I don't want to take your time away from your layout, but if you have any ideas about bridges and tunnels I would appreciate it.

Thanks also to the others for your input, it is a great help, keep it coming.....I'm chompin' at the bit to start laying track...

T & A Layout Build

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