In the South
I will give it a try and fulfill my dream of a harbor scene. The new north side shall be inspired by the LA harbor area. I used the building at Miner St. in San Pedro ( ) as an inspiration. The length of my model is 2 meters (6 1/2'). I built the front in four sections and the assembled it in two units of 1 meter (3 1/4'). The windows are used to control the two trains in the staging strack hidden by the building.
A backdrop of harbor scenery has been ordered ( ). Nr N130 and N131 will be combined as long as the north wall of my room is (4 meters / 13'). There is one prominent bridge (köhlbrandbrücke, on the backdrop that will identify it as the harbor of Hamburg. However, i will call it San Pedro/Long Beach.

[Image: Img_0389.jpg?t=1288604033]

ps. The roof is made of card stock and two solid wood sticks in the back. The card stock in the front was not totally flat so I glued smaller wood sticks under the front to force it in flat shape. I did not use white glue etc. but a glue without any water not bend the wood sticks. That worked fine.
Painting of the two roof units was done this morning on the balcony with a spray can. It is somewhat cold outside. But is worked great. Except.... the small wood sticks in the front soaked the moisture out of the air and bend. Thank you nature to help me to build a roof in wave shape Curse

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