DPM Wall Sections: Big Walls
I guess this counts as scratchbuilding. At least it does in my book. Also I hate thread titles. Anyhow:

I'm slowly building a large box out of DPM wall segments for part of my brewery. I'm satisfied with what I like to call the black band (I dont know what those name-ribbons they loved to put on prewar buildings are actually called) and somewhat less than satisfied with my weathering/mortar job. The girlfriend says she thinks it looks fine and she's seen her share of factories (field engineer). Now my current issue, one I hope someone has experience in, is how to join the two big wall panels.


Right now they're floating free from each other. I'm not sure where to start, to be honest. The pilasters don't seem to give me much area in which to attempt to glue them together. I was thinking about gluing a strip of styrene to the one to give it some more area to attach the other wall to. Even so, my other great issue is how to hold such large parts together. I have no clamp large enough. Even if I did, I'm also not certain how to keep the two at a right angle to each other. I'm sure someone out there has some experience with this and I'd sure like to hear it.

Also I'm not sure what that FEC power is doing in Pittsburgh. Oh and the reason there's what looks like two missing parts on the right side of the windowed wall is because thats behind another structure and why waste parts you can't see.

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