Coming in from the cold
Hey Gary

I would say that my Givens are as follows:

9x9 square with a slight bit added on the side wall that has the closet. I took the folding doors off the closet and put in shelving floor to ceiling. I wanted as much shelf space in the closet for bits and things I don't want to store under the layout. I want to reserve under the layout for my work space. I have a small desk that works well.

I have an over abundance of blue foam and lumber from my last layout so I can have mountains and what not. And I have about ~100 feet of track, wyes, turn outs 4 and 6 both left and right (Mostly Atlas, but some Peco)

22" or 24" turns. I don't run many 85 footers, so I dont need the 30".

That's about it for Givens.

My Druthers .... oooooooh... my Druthers....

Use the walter's 90 turntable and 3 bay roundhouse.
Some light industrial switching. Not heavy, but enough to make it a challenge.
Double track... I really enjoy watching trains running in opposite directions.

If I sold my kids to the gypsies I could have the entire basement to myself... hmmm... no, the wife might notice they were gone and start asking sticky questions.

I guess if I want continuous running I will have to go with the duck under/lift out type of modified donut. That doesn't bother me, mind you, but my wife hates it. She is on the less than tall side and I am on the over and above short side so I like to have my layouts above 48". It makes tree planting and ballasting not so back breaking.

I know roughly what I am going to do, but I really hope to get the same great feed back I have come to expect from everyone here.

[Image: np_F-1ani.gif][Image: goog.gif]

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