New Years Resolutions-Modeling
Well, I feel like my current track plan is about 90% there, and I have it all laid out and operating on the floor of my shop. Soooo, my goals for 2009 are:

* Build the benchwork for the layout (gotta get off the floor!)
* Install the foam, install the risers, and get all the track laid
* Add scenery (mountains, tunnels, roads etc) to the layout
* Locate and install the 2 structures I have already completed
* Build 1 to 2 more structures

Basically my goal is to build my first layout from A to .... well not Z, but I am hoping to at least get to S or T!
Oh yeah, another BIG goal for the year will be to:

* Chronicle the entire process to share with you all here!

Best of luck to all for a safe, prosperous and PRODUCTIVE 2009.

"Trust everyone, and always cut the cards".
W.C. Fields

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