Coming in from the cold

Looks like you are off to a good start on the benchwork, I have found that sometimes it is best to just start building with some idea in mind and let the rest fall into place.
Here are a few questions to help me understand what you are looking for.
I see you are using the NP as your avatar are you focusing on the NP in your modeling or just like the logo?
Do you have an area of the country you would like represented in you modeling?
I know you stated you would like to have double track but could you live with a mainline and a branchline/ logging line?
What type of trains would you like to model and what lenght?
What type of power system are you going to use DC/DCC?

That is it for now, I have a few idead to send your way if you are modeling the NP and may be able to help if you are modeling somewhere else.
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg

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