Slate Creek Industrial.
They DO coast - there's two ways to do it with most sound decoders. First, put in some momentum, both acel and decel but in this case it's the decel that matters. So you can close the throttle to take the motor to idle but the loco keeps rolling. Second way,most diesel decoders have a manual notching option, instea dof automatically throttling up as you speed the loco up. Using manual notchign you can have the prime mover idling while the loco and a cut of cars drifts downhill at 40mph, or have it lugging away in run 8 while struggling upgrade at 10mph. There's even a dynamic brake option on some where you can engage the dynamics and it will gradually slow the train down. It's there for steam locos too, where you cna throttle back going downgrade adn the chufs will cut out and all you'll get is the rod clank.

Modeling the Reading Railroad of the 1950's in HO

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