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I'm using Dave Husman's CarCards program, although so far mainly jsut to track my inventory and printout a report to take to train shows so I don't end up with two of the same thing (but someone I did, I have a duplicate P2K tank car kit to get rid of). Since it's written in Access and the source is readily available, you can make it do pretty much whatever you want. It may not be as polished as a commercial program but it's free and i fyou have some basic understanding of Access you can make changes to best fit your needs - I enlarged a couple of fields but that's about it so far. It has options for photos, original and present value, etc. so it's a worthwhile inventory program as well as having the ability to generate car cards and switch lists. A backup copy stored offsite would be good for insurance purposes, God forbid something should happen.
I do have a sort of grand plan to import/export the decoder definitions from JMRI so I cna have one program that basically does it all - I envision having a Program Decoder button on the loco sheet that woudl export the information from the database and fire up JMRI. One of those "yeah someday" projects - thing is I actually rarely use JMRI because I only have 2 sound locos and all the rest only get very basic programming - 1950's Reading didnt have all sorts of flashing beacons and ditch lights that need programming, just an address and basic headlight. Not worth the time it takes to hook up the computer and run JMRI for that simple stuff.

Modeling the Reading Railroad of the 1950's in HO

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