Coulda, shoulda, woulda...
Uh, Oh! So sorry, doctorwayne!

I just counted the head and figured it was typical Hoffentoth ... some kind of a mutant ... or maybe one of those rural medical experiments (commonly known as a "kit bashoptomy") carried out by the local veterinarian, rumored by many to be a distant, very closely related Hoffentoth cousin, only slightly removed (to the next room.)

I like the big dapple greys, I can visuallize them pulling the neighborhood milk wagon! Our milkman, when I was a little kid in Philadelphia, had a brown horse with a black mane and tail, wearing big black leather "blinders," that slowly walked down the block, hauling the milk wagon (which was upgraded with pneumatic rubber tires) behind him, while the milkman went back and forth, delivering fresh full bottles of milk to the doorstep and bringing the empties (set out the night before) back to the wagon and, once again filling his wire basket with fresh bottles for the next house. (In the winter, the cardstock disk bottle top would be sitting an inch above the bottle on a column of frozen cream!)

The horse always just kept going until he got to the corner. There he would stop, and wait for the milkman to get back up in the wagon and give him a "chik-chik" and a "slap on the back" with the reins ... then he'd cross the street to the next block. Every day, same thing.

Those were the days!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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