Jerky Downhill Performance.
Downhill jerking is often caused by worm to gear mechanisms where the worm gear can slide back and forth. It doesn't affect uphill running because the load pushes the worm one way. Going downhill the worm gets pulled one way by the wheels and then the motor catches up and it slides the other way.
The solution to the slop is usually a washer or two someplace along the shaft the worm is on. On the old steamer motors where the one shaft did all, it often took a washer at the far end or one at the end of the motor where the worm is, but inside the motor (tricky, not recommended for tyros) or at the bottom end beyond the worm if there was anything for it to push against. If there's a gearbox you might be able to tighten that up.
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
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